People of Hypatia

Photo of Dr. Elspeth Pope staffing a model reference desk at the 1962 World's Fair.

Elspeth, Elvis and the Seattle World’s Fair

Where were you in ’62?  Were you in Seattle?  Were you at the Seattle World’s Fair?   Elvis was.  The founder of Hypatia-in-the-Woods, Dr. Elspeth Pope, was too.  Did they meet? (more…)

Book Arts In Progress

ARTIST’S REPORT:  Pat Chupa, book artist (P. Chupa WordArts)

Preparing for an annual book arts show is always a mixture of excitement, stress, and gratifiying pleasure. If  one is trying to do the artistic work around the edges of a full-time ‘regular job’ – it becomes disproportionately fraught with the challenge of producing enough work that will be good enough to choose from – and also available for the time it must be displayed. Last year, I had pieces that I had done in earlier years, that were suitable and included in the First Annual Puget Sound Book Artists’ Exhibit. This year, I was a bit more anxious, as most of the pieces I created this year were larger commissioned pieces, that were shipped off to their owners, and therefore not available for the show. (more…)

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