
Events featuring current and past Holly House resident artists are free to the public as part of Hypatia’s effort to enrich the cultural life of the local community while supporting women in the arts and academia with unrestricted time to complete their projects at Holly House in solo residencies.


Artist: Heather Hawk

Where: Shelton Timberland Library

Thursday, July 25, 4:30 – 5:30 pm

What Is Still Wild: A Memoir”

Heather Hawk is a long-time community activist and volunteer with a graduate degree in Women’s Studies. She spent ten years working in violence reduction, intervention, and trauma-informed care. She writes from her home in the Pacific Northwest, where for the past ten years she has also run her own wellness practice ( Her work has been published in Off Our Backs, Northwest Women’s Journal, 5×5, 100 Word Story, and elsewhere. What Is Still Wild was selected as a 2023 finalist for the Barbara Deming Memorial Fund. A personal essay related to this project is forthcoming in Zone 3 literary journal.

From What is Still Wild: “In the U.S., about 80% of women will develop uterine fibroids by age 50, Black women at three times the rate of women of other races and ethnicities. Yet little is known about fibroids, a chronically underfunded area of medicine. At thirty-three, Heather Hawk is diagnosed with a massive uterine fibroid. Her desire for a child collides with her body’s failure: she looks and feels pregnant but isn’t, a sorrow compounded by her husband’s affair resulting in twins.” What Is Still Wild chronicles Hawk’s personal story of grief and three-year healing experience while navigating betrayal and divorce. Opening Hawk’s personal story onto larger social issues related to the body—menstruation, virginity, female agency, pleasure, and violence—What Is Still Wild is a kaleidoscope turning the question: “What does it mean to listen to and trust a body that lives in a world that doesn’t listen to women?”

Hawk will read from her memoir, What is Still Wild.

Artist: Aimee Mattila

Where: by invitation only

Tuesday, July 9th

Hapazome and Monoprinting Workshop

Aimee Mattila is an extremely talented and versatile artist from Portland, Oregon.  She presented an outdoor botanical printing workshop to Hypatia board members and volunteers on Tuesday, July 9th.  She shared two techniques for botanical printing on paper…Hapazome and mono-printing.

Hapa zome, literally meaning “leaf dye”, is a Japanese printmaking technique where the natural pigments of plant specimens are transferred onto fabric/paper creating varied designs…fresh leaves and flowers are arranged on or between layers of paper and the dye is transferred by pounding with a hammer. This can be used as a stand alone print or as a background to mono-printing.  Mono-printing is accomplished by painting the botanical specimen with acrylics or poster paint and then pressing on or between two pieces of paper.

Artist Statement: “Art is a way of life for me and life is an art in itself.” The true value of any piece of art is the special relationship you as an individual develop with the creation you have chosen and the artist who created the work.

Each piece of art Aimee creates reflects her ability to capture a harmonious balance connecting fortuitous experimentation, intellectual exploration and spiritual wisdom with her innate sense of design. Flexibility during the creative process allows for a natural spontaneity and rhythm to the flow of her artwork. Aimee’s exclusive creations express her perceptive eye for detail and dedication to quality craftsmanship. She is a highly skilled and unique artist that expresses her talent through the diverse mediums she utilizes.

Artist: Pamela Mitchell

Where: Shelton Timberland Library

Saturday, June 22, 5-6 pm

“Finding Lost Pond”

Pamela Mitchell is a retired nurse, poet and full time author who lives and writes in Bend, Oregon. She grew up in the Adirondack Mountains of northern New York, received her RN from SUNY Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse, and her MFA in Creative Writing from Goddard College in Vermont. She has lived and worked in New York, Seattle, and Bend. She taught writing at SUNY Adirondack Community College, Albany Institute of Art, and Saratoga Community Hospital (with patients). Pamela’s current work, upcoming memoir Bequeathed, is a book of essays about her work for Kitsap County Health Department in founding the AIDS program and winning an award from the local chapter of NOW in the 1980s.

Pamela will be reading from her first book of poetry, Finding Lost Pond, which was published in 2021, by Finishing Line Press. Finding Lost Pond has been awarded 2nd Place for Book of the Year Award 2021 in Creativity by The American Journal of Nursing. Finding Lost Pond is the story of a nurse’s life as she is bearing witness to and holding, the suffering of her patients, her parents, and her own life. As she moves into her elder years, the deep sustenance of wilderness and the innocent trust of children renew her spirit, becoming a benediction.

Artist’s Statement:

“I write about the interface between my nursing work and the wild places which sustain me.”

Artist: Ahavani Mullen

Where: Shelton Timberland Library

Thursday, May 30, 4-5pm

“Imprinting Paintings with Vibration”

Employing a range of materials such as various paint media, transparent textiles, aluminum, copper, and sound vibration, Ahavani constructs paintings, sculptures and installations that have evolved from silence. Rooted in a long-held daily contemplative practice and study, she allows this perspective to inform her studio practice, creating a kind of bridge between the inner and outer worlds. 

Ahavani will share details about her current work and process, which explores the ways in which subtle, ephemeral vibrations can be given form on a canvas, using energetically-charged paint to create fields of color, light, and texture. By directing audio into her raw materials, she captures the energetic imprint of specific sounds and texts, absorbing their vibration and distilling their qualities into the work. 

Ahavani has been awarded many fellowships, grants, residencies, and solo exhibitions around the US. Her work can be viewed at:

Artist: Jennifer Badot

Where: Shelton Timberland Library

When: Thursday, May 23, 4:30 – 6:00 pm

Jennifer Badot is the author of A Violet, A Jennifer (Lily Poetry Review Books, 2022). A Pushcart Prize nominee, Badot’s poems and reviews have appeared in the Boston Globe, the Boston Phoenix Literary SupplementStudia Mysticathe Lily Poetry Review, the Poetry is Bread Anthology (forthcoming) and elsewhere. She lives in Massachusetts.

Jennifer will read from her book A Violet, A Jennifer and from new work and then host an open mic.

Sign-up for the open mic will begin at 4:00 pm. Poets who read a poem with a flower in it will receive a signed copy of Badot’s book.

All are welcome.

Artist: Julene Tripp Weaver … Psychotherapist and Writer
Where: Shelton Timberland Library
When: April 29, 3:00 PM

Topic: Julene will be reading from her new book of poetry, which will be published in June.

Julene is a poet, author, and medical case management counselor.

Julene Tripp Weaver, a psychotherapist and writer in Seattle, has three prior poetry collections;Truth Be Bold: Serenading Life & Death in the Age of AIDS (Finishing Line Press, 2017), which won the Bisexual Book Award, four Human Relations Indie Book Awards, and was a finalist for the Lambda Literary Awards; No Father Can Save Her, (Plain View Press, 2011); and a chapbook, Case Walking: An AIDS Case Manager Wails Her Blues, (Finishing Line Press, 2007). Slow Now with Clear Skies will be available by June.

Her poems have appeared in many journals including: HEAL, Autumn Sky Poetry, Oye Drum, Poetry Super Highway, As it Ought To Be, and elsewhere. Recent anthologies include: Rumors Secrets & Lies: Poems about Pregnancy, Abortion & Choice; I Sing the Salmon Home; Writing Through the Apocalypse; The Power of the Feminine I: Poems from the Feminine Perspective, Volume 2; and Nerve Cowboy, Selected Works: 2004-2012. Find more of her work at


Artist: Kripi Malviya
Where: Shelton Timberland Library
When: Friday, April 26, 2-3 pm

Kripi Malviya is an existential psychotherapist and poet from India. Her work has been published in the World Literature Review, the Sky Island Journal, Muse and the Black Warrior Review. She is the winner of the 2017 Rhythm Divine International Poetry Chapbook contest for her first poetry collection ‘ale(theia)’. She runs an emotional well-being organization ‘TATVA’. It specializes in therapeutic residencies for international artists and creative communities, combining psychotherapy, nature therapy, social justice and cultural immersion together with creative exploration, emotional awareness and self-care. Kripi is also a co-founder of the Poetry Therapy Society of India.

Artist’s Statement:

The distinctive features of how, why and what thoughts, feelings and images are seized by my consciousness and deemed urgent enough to be the start of a poem; has to do with cultivated vulnerability. Its almost assuredly always in instances of self exposure and allowing myself to be changed by my lived experiences that I have ever produced what can be called a poem. Unshielded – ness or disclosure are one of the most significant forces behind my writing; unrelenting attempts to decipher and face all aspects of the emotional landscape . There is a constant flow in my identity as a poet and as a psychotherapist; with often no clear boundaries dividing my practice in both; hence they merge with each other seamlessly.



Artist: Lorelle Rau … Artist and Art Consultant
Where: Marmo Gallery, 217 W. Cota St., Shelton, WA 98584
When: Friday, April 5, 1-3 pm

Topic: Collage Workshop (limited to 20 particants, registration required, see below)

Lorelle Rau is an independent curator, art consultant, and the founder of Lorelle Rau Studios, an art consulting firm that offers a full line of services; through which artwork reaches beyond the artist’s studio to connect with its audience.

Throughout her early career, Lorelle worked closely with a number of important mentors. Having a mother as a sculptor, she experienced firsthand the challenges and rewards of being an artist, which motivated her to study art management at Appalachian State University. There she gained experience working in the college galleries and quickly moved up to curatorial assistant at the museum working closely alongside the curator. It was in these quiet, contemplative spaces in galleries and museums that she discovered a love and appreciation of art that grew into a lifelong passion. She continued on course towards an art career, building professional experience and connections through working for the Corcoran Gallery of Art and several commercial galleries. She later earned her master’s degree in arts administration from the Savannah College of Art and Design. Before long, she established a niche working for a corporate art consulting agency. Realizing that she could turn this into a viable, fulfilling career, she set out on her own.

This workshop will use cut paper and appropriated imagery to investigate concepts of nature, place, and the environment. The substrate for the collage, collage papers, and some glue sticks and scissors will be provided. Participates may want to bring their own tools and materials.

Contact Marmo Gallery ( to register.

Artist:  Caroline Holm … artist, nature poet and author
Where:     Shelton Timberland Library
When:     Thursday, March 28 … 5:00 pm

Topic:     Poetry Reading and display of paintings from her debut book of poetry and prose.

Caroline Holm is an Oregon-based artist, mother, poet, printmaker and state-licensed psilocybin facilitator in support of healing. In 2022, she wrote, illustrated and published her first book of nature poetry and prose, Woodland.

    Caroline is in the process of writing and painting a cohesive collection of work for her second book of poetry and prose which she hopes to complete during her residency at Holly House.  For more information about Caroline’s previous work, check out the following web links: or

Artist:  Liz Jones … author, journalist and creative writer
Where:   Shelton Timberland Library
When:     Friday, March 15 … 2:30-3:30 pm

Topic:    Immigration Stories of the Pacific NW

    Part of Liz’s memoir is based on her decade as an immigration reporter at KUOW Public Radio, including coverage in various rural NW communities.  She will be talking about some of that reporting, ongoing local issues with a segue to open mic for Q&A.

    Liz has consistently won top journalism awards while working at KUOW from 2005 to 2018 stating that “the greatest reward is when someone at the center of my stories tells me they feel seen and valued.  It’s powerful to see how stories can make our world feel a little more connected, or help us grasp that potential.”

    Liz’s current project is a memoir told through a collection of essays, weaving together themes from her Mexican-American heritage and her work as a journalist.  For  more information about Liz and her projects, check out the following web link:

 Laura Busheikin, Shelton Timberland Library, 710 W. Alder St., Shelton, WA, Sunday, February 25, 2:00pm – 4:00pm

Laura Busheikin is a writer-for-hire and a creative writer exploring the many subgenres of nonfiction. She is fascinated by the power of stories to connect us, delight us, move us, and unsettle us. In particular, she loves to write about the places she calls home—the Comox Valley, Denman Island, and the land cooperative she is part of—and to explore the rich complexities of human relationship to place and community. — The Collective Magazines


Blogging with Jennifer Stoever, Shelton Timberland Library, 710 W. Alder St., Shelton, WA, July 11, 4 pm – 5 pm.

Jennifer Lynn Stoever is Associate Professor of English at the State University of New York at Binghamton. She is co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of Sounding Out!: The Sound Studies Blog

Botanical Printing with April Sproule, Mixed Media Textile Artist. Shelton Timberland Library, 710 W. Alder St., Shelton, WA, July 29, 2023, 10 am – 12 pm.

April Sproule will present her process and progress for her mixed media textile art piece, The Olympic Peninsula, A Sense of Place, created during her artist’s residency at Hypatia-in-the-Woods.

After a short discussion about her work, a demonstration and mini workshop on botanical printing will take place. Participants will create their own beautiful botanical prints on paper or fabric using plants of their choice. All supplies will be provided for a 9” x 12” print suitable for framing or using in other projects.

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