Whisper, Shout, Sing!
Writer’s workship with Terri Cohlene — Sunday, March 10, 2012
“Voice is a central ingredient of writing in any genre. Let’s spend from 10:00 to 2:00 experimenting with how voice changes what we write. Bring a short sample of work you’d like to review.”
Lunch, beverages, and workshop handout materials will be provided. Suggested donation of $45 to Hypatia-in-the-Woods, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is tax-deductible.
TERRI COHLENE is the author of eight books for children, and she wrote and assisted in the production of Fine Circle of Friends, a stage play for young adults. Her poetry has appeared in Pontoon 8 & 9, Floating Bridge Review, Arnazella, Stories with Grace, Switched on Gutenberg, and the anthology, America at War. She recently facilitated Godiva Speaks, a celebration of Women Poets in Olympia.
A former art director and editor of her own award-winning imprint, Terri has taught at Richard Hugo House and Shoreline & Whatcom Community Colleges. Currently, she serves on the boards of Art Kitchen and Olympia Poetry Network, and is a freelance editor in Olympia, Washington.