A retreat center for women in the arts, located in Shelton, Washington
Posts tagged public reading
![Photo of the book "What Remains" by Margaret Chula and Cathy Erickson.](http://hypatiainthewoods.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Chula-What_Remains_Web1-90x90.jpg)
The Poet and the Quilter
Last Friday we launched Hypatia’s new website. At the end of that very long day I was physically exhausted, mentally drained and a little over-emotional that the new site went live. Elspeth, my host, was watching a movie and I joined her. Here is my advice — Ingmar Bergman’s Through a Glass Darkly is not a good choice if you are running on physical, mental and emotional fumes. As tired as I was, I did recognize that at least I was not as mentally ill as the main character, Karin. (more…)